Remote Data Access

Sending HTTP Requests with SDSSClient

All http requests are sent using the SDSSClient, which is a convenience wrapper class around the httpx python package for sending requests. httpx is a modern request framework aiming to mirror the API of the requests python package. httpx also provides built-in async support. See SDSSAsyncClient for the async version of the remote client.

The main advantage of using the SDSSClient is integration with SDSS APIs and SDSS user authentication, although it can be used with any explicit url. Let’s submit a “hello world” request to the Marvin API using the public domain

>>> from sdss_brain.api.client import SDSSClient

>>> # load the client to use the marvin API on public domain DR15,
>>> # accessing the "cubes hello world" url route
>>> s = SDSSClient('cubes', use_api='marvin', domain='dr15')
>>> s
<SDSSClient(api="marvin", user="sdss")>

>>> # check the full url
>>> s.url

When we instantiate the client with an API and a domain name, the correct base url is constructed behind the scenes. Any input url is then treated as a route segment to be appended to the base url. The fully constructed url can be shown with the url attribute. We can now send the request. request is a convenience wrapper for sending httpx get, post, or stream requests. Let’s send the request as default without any parameters.

>>> # send the http request
>>> s.request()

When requests are successful, the response content is extracted into the data attribute. If the request is not successful, an httpx.HttpStatusError will be raised.

>>> # access the returned data
{'data': 'this is a cube!',
 'error': None,
 'inconfig': {'release': 'DR16'},
 'status': 1,
 'traceback': None}

To send requests to different urls on a single API, you can pass an explicit url or route segment into the request method instead of during client instantiation. Let’s send a public request to retrieve cube information for MaNGA galaxy “8485-1901” on release DR15.

>>> # load the client with the proper API
>>> s = SDSSClient(use_api='marvin', domain='dr15', release='DR15')

>>> # send a POST request
>>> s.request('cubes/8485-1901/', method='post')

The full url is but we only need to input the portion of the url relative to the base url, often referred to as “route”, “segment”, or “path”. We can access the response data as before. In this case, the response is a dictionary with galaxy metadata contained in a “data” key.

>>> # access the data
{'data': {'dec': 48.6902009334, 'header': ...,
          'mangaid': '1-209232',
          'plateifu': '8485-1901',
          'ra': 232.544703894,
          'redshift': 0.040744692,
          'shape': [34, 34],
          'wavelength': [3621.6, 3622.43, ..],
 'error': None,
 'status': 1

>>> # access the manga ID, the RA and Dec, and redshift
('1-209232', 232.544703894, 48.6902009334, 0.040744692)

The underlying http response is available in the response attribute.

>>> # access the httpx response
>>> s.response
<Response [200 OK]>

For direct access to the httpx client, use the client attribute.

>>> # access the raw httpx client or async client
>>> s.client
<httpx.Client at 0xb1ca12d30>

By default, the SDSSClient uses a generic “sdss” user; see Users and Authentication for more information.

>>> # look at the user attached to the client
>>> s.user
<User("sdss", netrc=True, htpass=False, cred=False)>

The Api Manager

sdss_brain provides an API manager (ApiManager) for seeing the available SDSS domains and APIs for remotely accessing data.

>>> # load the API manager
>>> from sdss_brain.api.manager import apim
>>> apim
<ApiManager(current_api="None", n_domains="9", n_apis="3")>

You can list all the available domains used by SDSS.

>>> # list the domains
>>> apim.list_domains()
[Domain(name='', public=False, description='domain for accessing SDSS data on the SAS'),
 Domain(name='', public=False, description='domain for accessing various SAS services'),
 Domain(name='', public=False, description='domain for accessing SDSS APIs'),
 Domain(name='', public=False, description='domain for accessing internal content on SDSS host lore'),
 Domain(name='', public=False, description='domain for accessing internal SDSS information'),
 Domain(name='', public=False, description="mirror domain for SDSS services, e.g. SDSS MaNGA's Marvin"),
 Domain(name='', public=True, description='public domain for DR15 data access'),
 Domain(name='', public=True, description='public domain for DR16 data access'),
 Domain(name='localhost', public=False, description='domain when running services locally')]

or you can list the available APIs.

>>> # list the APIs
>>> apim.list_apis()
[<ApiProfile("marvin", current_domain="", url="")>,
 <ApiProfile("icdb", current_domain="", url="")>,
 <ApiProfile("valis", current_domain="", url="")>]

APIs can be accessed on the apis attribute.

>>> # access the available APIs
>>> apim.apis
{'marvin': <ApiProfile("marvin", current_domain="", url="")>,
 'icdb': <ApiProfile("icdb", current_domain="", url="")>,
 'valis': <ApiProfile("valis", current_domain="", url="")>}

>>> # select the marvin API
>>> apim.apis['marvin']
<ApiProfile("marvin", current_domain="", url="")>

Each list of domains or apis can also be rendered as an Astropy Table, with display.

>>> # display the available domains as a table
>>> apim.display('domains')
<Table length=9>
   key           name        public                        description
   str9         str18         bool                            str57
--------- ------------------ ------ ---------------------------------------------------------
     data  False                 domain for accessing SDSS data on the SAS
      sas  False                 domain for accessing various SAS services
      api  False                            domain for accessing SDSS APIs
     lore  False   domain for accessing internal content on SDSS host lore
 internal  False            domain for accessing internal SDSS information
magrathea  False mirror domain for SDSS services, e.g. SDSS MaNGA's Marvin
     dr15   True                        public domain for DR15 data access
     dr16   True                        public domain for DR16 data access
    local          localhost  False                      domain when running services locally

Displaying the API information will also include any links to API documentation that exists for the given API.

>>> apim.display('apis')
<Table length=3>
 key        base                       description                    ...  auth                               docs
 str6      str13                          str48                       ...  str5                              object
------ ------------- ------------------------------------------------ ... ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------
marvin        marvin          API for accessing MaNGA data via Marvin ... token
  icdb collaboration API for accessing SDSS collaboration information ... netrc                                                            None
 valis         valis                         API for SDSS data access ... netrc                                                            None

The ApiManager also provides a mechanism for identifying an API and domain given a url string.

>>> # attempt to identify a domain and API
>>> apim.identify_api_from_url('')
('marvin', 'dr15')

The Api Profile

Just as sdssdb database profiles in sdssdb.yml define connections to different SDSS databases and map to DatabaseConnection objects, API profiles defined in api_profiles.yml define connections to available SDSS APIs, and map to ApiProfile objects.

Each API profile carries with it a list of domains and/or mirrors the API can be accessed on, any authentication type needed for access, and the currently constructed root or base url for accessing content on that API.

The following examples are written using the MaNGA Marvin API, but the same applies to any other API. By default, an API is set to use the first domain in the list of domains, and will construct the base url for the API on that domain.

>>> # access the "marvin" API profile
>>> from sdss_brain.api.manager import ApiProfile
>>> prof = ApiProfile('marvin')
>>> prof
<ApiProfile("marvin", current_domain="", url="")>

You can view the available domains.

>>> # display the list of available domains
{'sas': Domain(name='', public=False, description='domain for accessing various SAS services'),
 'lore': Domain(name='', public=False, description='domain for accessing internal content on SDSS host lore'),
 'dr15': Domain(name='', public=True, description='public domain for DR15 data access'),
 'dr16': Domain(name='', public=True, description='public domain for DR16 data access'),
 'local': Domain(name='localhost', public=False, description='domain when running services locally')}

You can change the domain the API uses to any other available one. Let’s change to the DR15 domain.

>>> # change to
>>> prof.change_domain('dr15')
>>> prof
<ApiProfile("marvin", current_domain="", url="")>

The base url has now been updated. For development, we often set up a system on a localhost domain. localhost domains require a port number or ngrok id to be given as input. ngrok is a service used for opening up local web servers publicly.

>>> # change to localhost domain on port 5000
>>> prof.change_domain('local', port=5000)
>>> prof.url

>>> # change to localhost domain served with ngrok
>>> prof.change_domain('local', ngrokid=12345)
>>> prof.url

Often APIs have test sites available to check changes and new features before pushing to production. These paths can be accessed with the change_path method. Setting the test=True keyword switches the path to the designated test site. Calling change_path without arguments sets the API to its production path.

>>> # change back to the production site on the SAS domain
>>> prof.change_domain('sas')
>>> prof.url

>>> # change to the test site
>>> prof.change_path(test=True)
>>> prof.url

>>> # switch back to production
>>> prof.change_path()
>>> prof.url

The url attribute always defines the base url to the top level API. To build urls that point to specific routes on the API, use the construct_route method. Let’s construct a new url to access the cube data for MaNGA galaxy “8485-1901”.

>>> # build a new url to a specific known API route
>>> prof.construct_route('cubes/8485-1901/')

Defining a new API Profile

Once a new API has been built, to make it available to sdss_brain, a new profile must be created in the python/sdss_brain/etc/api_profiles.yml YAML file in the sdss_brain Github repo. A new API is defined using the following schema:

  base: the base name of the API. Required.
  domains: the domains where the API is active. Required.
  description: a brief description of the API purpose
  docs: a url link to any API documentation
  mirrors: the domains for possible mirrors
  stems: path stems to denote test or alternate servers
    test: the name of the development stem.
    affix: whether the alternate base is a prefix or suffix
  api: whether the API is under an "api" stem
  routemap: an API route relative to the base url that returns the available routes on the given API
  auth: the type of authentication the API needs for non-public APIs
    type: whether the auth is netrc or token
    route: the API route relative to the base url to use for retrieving a token

Only the first two items, base and domains are required entries. As an example, let’s create an entry for a fake API called “infoviz” available on domains “” and “”. It also has a test server located at Our profile entry would like that:

    base: infoviz
      - sas
      - dr15
      test: dev
      affix: prefix

An ApiProfile is automatically constructed and is made accessible via the ApiManager.

>>> from sdss_brain.api.manager import apim

>>> # load our new infoviz API
>>> info = apim.apis['info']
>>> info
<ApiProfile("info", current_domain="", url="")>

>>> # access the test server
>>> info.change_path(test=True)
>>> info
<ApiProfile("info", current_domain="", url="")>

We can now construct urls to access specific routes on this API.

>>> info.construct_route('/getinfo/here/')

Setting a global Url or API

In the rare case that you want to use a single API for all Brain-based tools, you can set one on the global config object using the set_api. This will set an API to your global config, and all tools will use this global API. config.apis contains an instance of the ApiManager.

>>> from sdss_brain.config import config

>>> # look up the set profile in the API manager
>>> config.apis.profile

>>> # set a global API

>>> config.apis.profile
<ApiProfile("marvin", current_domain="", url="")>

You can also set one permanently by setting the default_api argument in your ~/.config/sdss/sdss_brain.yml config file.