Users and Authentication

To access proprietary, or un-released, SDSS data, on the Science Archive Server (SAS) or on any available SDSS API service, you must be a valid member of the SDSS collaboration. If you are unsure if you’re a member of the SDSS collaboration, check the list of SDSS-V, or SDSS-IV affiliate institutions. If you know you’re a member, you can try accessing the SDSS Collaboration site and logging in to your account.

Netrc Authentication

SDSS uses .netrc authentication to access data content on many domains. To set this up, create and edit a file in your home directory ocalled .netrc and copy these lines inside:

   login <username>
   password <password>

   login <username>
   password <password>

Replace <username> and <password> with your login credentials. The default SDSS username and password is also acceptable for anonymous access. Finally, run chmod 600 ~/.netrc to make the file only accessible to your user.

Token Authentication

Most APIs use netrc authentication, but some APIs require token authentication, such as JWT or Oauth tokens. You check which authentication type an API uses with the auth_type attribute on a given ApiProfile. It can either be set to “token” or “netrc”.

>>> from sdss_brain.api.manager import apim

>>> # check the auth_type for the MaNGA Marvin API
>>> profile = apim.apis['marvin']
>>> prof.auth_type

To check if a valid token is already set, access the token attribute or use the check_for_token method.

>>> # check for a valid token
>>> prof.check_for_token()

check_for_token looks for a valid API token in your list of environment variables or as a parameter set on your custom sdss_brain.yml configuration file. To retrieve a valid token, use the get_token method. Tokens are mapped to specific users, either the “sdss” user or your SDSS username. The get_token method looks for user credentials in your .netrc file, so make sure you pass the username that is listed under the machine in your .netrc.

>>> # get a valid token for the generic SDSS user
>>> token = prof.get_token('sdss')

This returns a new token valid only for the specific API. To permanently set this token, you will need to set it as an [NAME]_API_TOKEN environment variable or as a [name]_api_token parameter in your sdss_brain.yml custom configuration file. [NAME] references the name of the specific API. For example, with the “marvin” API, you would set either a MARVIN_API_TOKEN environment variable or marvin_api_token configuration parameter.

# in your .bashrc

# in your sdss_brain.yml configuration
marvin_api_token: [token]

The SDSSClient will also check for valid tokens when sending requests on APIs that use token authentication. The SDSSClient will check for a valid token for its currently set User on its currently set ApiProfile. If you haven’t already set a token, you can do so with the client’s get_token method.


Remote data access requires a valid SDSS user, represented by the User class. A user can be validated either with .netrc or SDSS credentials, as indicated with the netrc and cred indicators in the repr. Alternatively, you can check with the user.is_netrc_valid and user.is_sdss_valid properties.

The “sdss” user

By default sdss_brain sets the default user in the global config to the generic “sdss” user. The “sdss” user is the default used for all remote data access and API requests using SDSSClient.

>>> # create an sdss user
>>> user = User('sdss")
>>> user
<User("sdss", netrc=True, htpass=False, cred=False)>

Depending on how you set up your .netrc authentication, the sdss user may be already netrc validated. Otherwise your collaboration user will be. To change the default user used by sdss_brain, use the set_user method on the config. Alternatively, you can also set the default_user parameter in your sdss_brain.yml configuration file.

>>> # set the global user
>>> from sdss_brain.config import config
>>> config.set_user('jad29')

The “collaboration” user

If the “sdss” user is not sufficient, you can always use your SDSS collaboration username.

>>> # create a new user with your username
>>> user = User('jad29')
>>> user
<User("jad29", netrc=False, htpass=False, cred=False)>

The user may not be validated. Validate the user with your SDSS Credentials using validate_user.

>>> # validate the user with your SDSS password
>>> user.validate_user('xxxxxx')
>>> user
<User("jad29", netrc=False, htpass=False, cred=True)>

>>> # check for valid credentials
>>> user.is_sdss_cred_valid

Once validated, you can also check member status in SDSS.

>>> # check status in SDSS
>>> user.in_sdss
{'sdss4': True, 'sdss5': True}

>>> # access member information
>>> user.member
{'sdss4': {'email': '',
           'fullname': 'John Doe',
           'has_sdss_access': True,
           'username': 'jad29'},
 'sdss5': {'email': '',
           'fullname': 'John Doe',
           'has_sdss_access': True,
           'username': 'jdoe1234'}