Mapping Versions to Data Releases

Paths to data products often contain a version number either in the directory path or filename itself. These version numbers may be tagged pipeline reduction versions, or software post-processing versions. Eventually these files are frozen and released in a public Data Release (DR) or in a survey-specific internal product launch, e.g MaNGA’s MPLs. It may be necessary to map these specific version numbers to release numbers so that tools like sdss_access can understand where to look for files given a specific overall data release. sdss_brain provides a method for doing so.

Creating a Mapping

To create a mapping, we use the mapped_versions parameter in the sdss_brain.yml configuration file, which is a dictionary of parameters read in by sdss_brain. Each key in mapped_versions is a survey or category keyword, e.g. “manga” or “eboss”, to differentiate between surveys. Within each category is another dictionary containing (key,value) pairs of (release ID, version number). For example:

    DR16: {drpver: v2_4_3, dapver: 2.2.1}
    DR15: {drpver: v2_4_3, dapver: 2.2.1}
    DR14: {drpver: v2_1_2, dapver: null}
    DR13: {drpver: v1_5_4, dapver: null}
    MPL9: {drpver: v2_7_1, dapver: 2.4.1}
    MPL8: {drpver: v2_5_3, dapver: 2.3.0}
    MPL7: {drpver: v2_4_3, dapver: 2.2.1}
    MPL6: {drpver: v2_3_1, dapver: 2.1.3}
    MPL5: {drpver: v2_0_1, dapver: 2.0.2}
    MPL4: {drpver: v1_5_1, dapver: 1.1.1}
    DR16: v5_13_0
    DR15: v5_10_0

The value specified for each key can be arbitrarily simple or complex. Here we specify that for EBOSS, DR16 maps to a single version number v5_13_0. However, MaNGA has more complex versioning due to multiple pipelines processing the data. Here we map each release id to a dictionary of values containing both the DRP and DAP pipeline version numbers, e.g. the DR15 data release maps to the DRP version v2_4_3 and DAP version 2.2.1.

Accessing a Mapping

To access a mapping you can use the get_mapped_version helper function. It accepts as input the category name, and a release to lookup.

>>> # access a manga mapping for DR16
>>> from sdss_brain.helpers import get_mapped_version
>>> get_mapped_version('manga', release='DR16')
>>> {'drpver': 'v2_4_3', 'dapver': '2.2.1'}

It optionally accepts a key input to extract individual items from dictionaries.

>>> # access only the manga DRP version mapping for DR16
>>> from sdss_brain.helpers import get_mapped_version
>>> get_mapped_version('manga', release='DR16', key='drpver')
>>> 'v2_4_3'

Using a Mapping

As mentioned, the utility of this is to extract version numbers needed by sdss_access given a single release. Consider a defined class for MaNGA datacubes:

from sdss_brain.core import Brain
from sdssdb.sqlalchemy.mangadb import database
from sdss_brain.helpers import get_mapped_version

class Cube(Brain):
    _db = database
    mapped_version = 'manga'
    path_name = 'mangacube'

    def _parse_input(self, value):
        plateifu_pattern = re.compile(r'([0-9]{4,5})-([0-9]{4,9})')
        plateifu_match = re.match(plateifu_pattern, value)

        data = {'filename': None, 'objectid': None}
        # match on plate-ifu or else assume a filename
        if plateifu_match is not None:
            data['objectid'] = value

            # extract and set additional parameters
            self.plateifu =
            self.plate, self.ifu = plateifu_match.groups(0)
        return data

    def _set_access_path_params(self):
        drpver = get_mapped_version(self.mapped_version, release=self.release, key='drpver')
        self.path_params = {'plate': self.plate, 'ifu': self.ifu, 'drpver': drpver}

We specify the mapped_version class attribute as manga. Inside the _set_access_path_params method we use get_mapped_version to access the DRP version for the given release of the Cube. Now as we load different cubes of different releases, the correct versions and paths are updated.

>>> # load a cube for DR16
>>> cube = Cube('8485-1901', release='DR16')
>>> cube.get_full_path()

>>> # load a cube for DR13
>>> cube = Cube('8485-1901', release='DR13')
>>> cube.get_full_path()