Connecting to Database Objects

To enable tools built with the Brain to access a “database” mode, i.e. data_origin="db", you must attach a database object to the tool or provide one during tool instantiation. The Brain relies on, and uses, sdssdb for all database-related items. Schema not defined in sdssdb are currently not supported.

Adding a Database to a Tool

We can add a valid sdssdb database object via one of three ways. Using the _db class attribute when defining a new tool class from the Brain. In this case, all instances and subclasses of this tool will use the attached database object.

from sdssdb.sqlalchemy.mangadb import datadb

class MangaCube(Brain):
    _db = datadb.Cube

When using the set_database_object class method on a pre-defined tool. This temporarily sets a database object to the class. In this case, all new instances and subclasses will use the new database object set in the current Python session.

from import MangaCube
from sdssdb.sqlalchemy.mangadb import datadb


When using the use_db keyword argument when instantiating the tool directly. In this case, only this instance will have access to the database object.

from import MangaCube
from sdssdb.sqlalchemy.mangadb import datadb

c = MangaCube('8485-1901', use_db=datadb.Cube)

Valid Input

There are multiple types of sdssdb database objects that are valid input:

  • a valid sdssdb DatabaseConnection

  • a valid sdssdb Object-Relational Model (ORM) from a specific schema

  • a valid sdssdb database schema, containing a set of ORM models, as a named python module

Here we pass in the mangadb sdssdb MANGAdbDatabaseConnection itself.

>>> from sdss_brain.tool import MangaCube
>>> from sdssdb.sqlalchemy.mangadb import database

>>> # passing in a database connection
>>> c = MangaCube('8485-1901', use_db=database)
>>> c.db
<DatabaseHandler (orm="sqla", db="manga")>

Here we pass in the mangadb schema module datadb, which represents the database schema mangadatadb, which houses information related to the output from the MaNGA DRP pipeline.

>>> from sdss_brain.tool import MangaCube
>>> from sdssdb.sqlalchemy.mangadb import datadb

>>> # passing in an entire ORM schema
>>> c = MangaCube('8485-1901', use_db=datadb)
>>> c.db
<DatabaseHandler (orm="sqla", schema="mangadb.datadb", db="manga")>

Here we pass in an individual sdssdb ORM model, like the examples in the previous section, for Cube representing the MaNGA cube database table in the mangadb database.

>>> from import MangaCube
>>> from sdssdb.sqlalchemy.mangadb.datadb import Cube

>>> c = MangaCube('8485-1901', use_db=Cube)
>>> c.db
<DatabaseHandler (orm="sqla", model="Cube", schema="mangadatadb", db="manga")>

Passing in any of these objects results in a DatabaseHandler object being created.

The DatabaseHandler

When passing in a valid sdssdb database object as input, a DatabaseHandler object is created and attached to the db attribute. The DatabaseHandler is a simple container around any peewee or sqlalchemy database connection, schema, or ORM defined in sdssdb. It normalizes the input between peewee or sqlalchemy and provides access to the ORM model, the schema set of relational models, and the underlying connection no matter what input is provided. Here we load the ORM model Field from the sdss5db.targetdb schema.

>>> from sdss_brain.helpers import DatabaseHandler
>>> from sdssdb.peewee.sdss5db.targetdb import Field
>>> d = DatabaseHandler(Field)
>>> d
<DatabaseHandler (orm="peewee", model="Field", schema="targetdb", db="sdss5db")>

>>> # check the underling database connection
>>> d.connected

The DatabaseHandler displays the type of ORM it is, either peewee or sqla. You can access the provided model.

>>> d.model
<Model: Field>

You can access the underlying related schema the model is a part of, for when you need to join to other models.

>>> # see the schema name
>>> d.schema

>>> # access the underlying schema models
>>> d.models
<module 'sdssdb.peewee.sdss5db.targetdb' from '..sdssdb/peewee/sdss5db/'>

>>> # accessing individual models
>>> d.models.Instrument, d.models.Observatory
(<Model: Instrument>, <Model: Observatory>)

You can access the underlying database connection.

>>> d.db
<SDSS5dbDatabaseConnection (dbname='sdss5db', profile='local', connected=True)>

For sqlalchemy connections, you can access the Session object for querying.

>>> from sdssdb.sqlalchemy.mangadb.datadb import Cube
>>> d = DatabaseHandler(Cube)
>>> d
<DatabaseHandler (orm="sqla", model="Cube", schema="mangadatadb", db="manga")>

>>> # access the Session for quering
>>> d.session
<sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session at 0x118d9db00>

Information on models, schema, and databases are extracted in a bottom-up approach. The DatabaseHandler cannot extract low-level information, e.g. ORM models, when high-level objects, e.g. a database connection, are provided. For example, here we pass in only the sdss5db database connection.

>>> # pass in the sdss5db database connection
>>> from sdssdb.peewee.sdss5db import database
>>> d = DatabaseHandler(database)
>>> d
<DatabaseHandler (orm="peewee", db="sdss5db")>

No information on ORM models or schema has been extracted.

>>> d.model, d.schema, d.models
(None, None, None)

We can post-load schema or models using the load_schema and load_model methods. Let’s load the sdss5 database targetdb schema.

>>> # Load the targetdb schema
>>> d.load_schema('targetdb')
>>> d
<DatabaseHandler (orm="peewee", schema="sdss5db.targetdb", db="sdss5db")>

>>> # access a model
>>> d.models.Instrument
<Model: Instrument>

Now we have access to all the ORM models on the “targetdb” schema. We can also load individual models.

>>> # load the Field ORM
>>> d.load_model('Field')
>>> d
<DatabaseHandler (orm="peewee", model="Field", schema="sdss5db.targetdb", db="sdss5db")>

>>> d.model
<Model: Field>

Using the handler in a Tool

Once you’ve attached a database object to a tool, you have full access to that object through the DatabaseHandler to perform queries. Remember that you must override the _load_object_from_db method with logic instructing the tool with what to do with the database object. Let’s see an example on the MangaCube tool after we’ve attached the datadb.Cube ORM model.

from sdssdb.sqlalchemy.mangadb import datadb

class MangaCube(Brain):
    _db = datadb.Cube

    def _load_object_from_db(self):
        # make a database call to retrieve the first Cube row = self.db.session.query(self.db.model).join(self.db.models.IFUDesign).\
        filter(self.db.model.plateifu == self.plateifu).first()

In the above example, we use the handler to perform a sqlalchemy query to retrieve the first row from the cube database table that matches the tool’s plateifu attribute, joining to another table available in the datadb schema. For a more complete example, see the MangaCube tool.